Bee a friend, and refer someone today!If you know someone who would benefit from Queen Bee Cleaning services, please complete the referral form below. Relation to the referral: * Social Worker/ School Social Worker/ Other Children's Division Friend Family Real Estate Agent Church Name of business/agency/school/church/etc you are affiliated with, if applicable Your name First Name Last Name Your email * Your phone number (###) ### #### Do you want your referral to be anonymous? Yes No Who are you referring? * First Name Last Name Their address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Their email Their phone number (###) ### #### Which services are you referring this person/family for? * Please check all that apply Residential cleaning Deep cleaning Hive & Shine income based program In home cleaning classes In classroom cleaning classes Trash removal Infestation cleaning Other Is there any additional information that you feel would be helpful? Do you need to be informed about the status of the referral? Yes No Method of payment Check all that may apply Self pay- traditional Self pay- income based services Church funds Care to Learn Gift card Unknown Thank you!